Disclaimer of damages
In no event whether in contract, warranty, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise will Asccoa Woodworking Inc. or any of its affiliates, owners or employees be liable to the Person(s), Client(s) or Business(es) named or any other Party for any indirect, special, punitive, exemplary, incidental or consequential damages. Including but not limited to, loss or damage of the item(s), loss of profit(s) or revenue, or claims of customers of any of them or other third parties for such damages. This limitation will apply regardless of whether or not the other party/parties, client/clients or business/businesses has/have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Parties have been advised and informed and understand that all work supplied may cause irreparable damage to client(s) (other Party/Parties or Business(es)) property or belongings, these damages may be permanent (irreparable) and are not the responsibility of Asccoa Woodworking Inc.
Engraving or etching (by any means, Laser, Rotary, CNC, Sandblasting or other methods) of personal items and client(s) (other Party/Parties or Business(es)) property whether claiming to be their property or acting on behalf of another Person or Persons, Client(s) or Business(es) behalf may cause damage to the item that cannot be annulled, corrected, fixed, mended, rectified, refurbished, remedied, repaired, replaced, retrieved, restored, reversed, tweaked, undone, or valued and relieves Asccoa Woodworking Inc. of any and all liability.